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Take your best shot

Take your shooting skills to new heights with our unique approach to enhancing your abilities. Get in the shot lab today.

A gym with a basketball court and basketball hoops.

Shot Lab Packages and Memberships

The Shot Lab combines cutting-edge science and technology that provides instant, objective feedback that will help make you the best shooter on any court! 

We offer two shooting stations with the Dr. Dish All-Star+ shooting machine to maximize your shooting reps. Sessions are available in 25-minute increments. Have questions? Contact our team today!

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tablet computer with a basketball on it and a basketball ball in the background

Shot Lab Drop-in Sessions

$30 per session (expires after one month)

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tablet computer with a basketball on it and a basketball ball in the background

Shot Lab Package

$200 for 8 sessions (expires after three months)

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tablet computer with a basketball on it and a basketball ball in the background

Shot Lab Memberships

$80 a month: 4 sessions

$120 a month: 8 sessions

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Train better, play better

Drop in to our shooting lab today and improve your shooting performance immediately.

there is a basketball court with a basketball net and a basketball